Feeding Therapy and Support for Families
Feeding and swallowing disorders/difficulty can lead to health, learning, and social problems. Feeding disorders include problems with sucking, eating from a spoon, chewing, or drinking from a cup. More commonly, this may present as difficulty transitioning to solids, long meals, mealtime stress, “picky eaters”, avoidance of meal times, and difficulty gaining wait. Swallowing disorders, also called dysphagia are difficulties with moving food or liquid from the mouth, throat, or esophagus to the stomach. Feeding and swallowing disorders are often related to other medical conditions but may also occur without a known cause. (ASHA)
Does this sound familiar?
“My child is such a picky eater"
“Mealtime in my house is SUPER stressful”
“It takes my child a very long time to finish their food”
“My child snacks all day and never wants to eat a meal”
As parents of toddlers, we know how stressful mealtime can be!
We offer feeding therapy for children of all ages struggling with mealtime to help to:
Decrease mealtime tantrums
Educate parents on feeding techniques
Improve bottle or cup drinking
Improve the movement and coordination of the mouth
Strengthen oral musculature to improve the ability to chew
Facilitate mature chewing patterns
Increase the acceptance of new foods and decrease feeding aversions
Introduce expanded food textures
Facilitate positive mealtime behaviors
Implement home feeding schedules and routines
Your baby turns 6 months old and you pediatrician tells you to introduce solids to them. But when exactly should you start? What ‘gear’ do you need? What should you serve them? How do you know if your toddler’s “pickiness” is typical or not? We can help! As Speech-Language Pathologists with extensive training and experinece in treating feeding disorders, we are well equipped to support parents at every juncture of their feeding journey with their children.
Parent workshops with tips to support a mature eater and less stressful mealtime
Individual consultations for parents of babies transitioning with personalized recommendations of ‘gear’, techniques, foods, schedules, etc.